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Earth Flow Rebirth

Gallery 121  CSU Pueblo April 2024

Earth Flow Rebirth performance

CSU Pueblo Gallery April 8 2024

Tei Kobayashi led the visiting artist workshop at CSU Pueblo, introducing students to Butoh and Katsugen Undo performance and healing techniques. 

Earth Flow Rebirth was a collaborative performance that emerged from the workshop. Pueblo Clay was poured and yoiked, a vocal embodied healing, as Tei slowly pulled the 40-foot canvas, allowing the painting to grow.  The rebirth evolved as Tei slowly wrapped and unwrapped using traditional Japanese cloth soaked in mud.

Performers: Tei Kobayashi, Bob Marsh, Helen Eberhardie Dunn, Karen Yescavage, Veronica Moffitt, and Ember Peaslee.

Water Meditation - an immersive video for live performance

[activate sound]

Exploring water immersion in the San Luis Valley this video will accompany a tree offering this Fall in Abiquiu New Mexico.

Water Breathing [activate sound for full experience]

Exploring impermanence through water immersion in the San Luis Valley, this 33-minute video induces a sense of deep calm, simultaneously evoking thoughts of dying

Reclamation AVANT Performance Festival, BloBack Gallery, Pueblo, May 2024

Ceremonial performative ideogram transforming cultural and inherited expectations

Sound Healing + Ceremony
March 2024

Big Ol' Picnic
June 2024

Sky Soul Studio
Sound Healing and Earth Prints for WeMend Womanifesto project Thailand

Hella Song Beetle
Ember Peaslee
Emily DeSmitt

Liz Guerra - Curandera

‘How do evolving timelines invite intersections with ecology, expansion, and contraction?’

As an interdisciplinary artist, I explore conversations about spiritual ecology, creating immersive experiences through sculpture, performance, and installation that invite expansive awareness. I aim to create spaces for connection, reflection, and alternate perspectives. I am committed to contributing to a more just and compassionate world.


How can art catalyze change and inspire us to reimagine intersections between social and environmental justice and personal and collective change? My work is led by investigative approaches, incorporating locality, clays, found objects, pigments, fibers, plants, film, photography, sound, and light.

‘Can we experience spatial relationships through vibration harmony and dissonance?’

This work centers on curating collaborative ritual performances informed by solastalgia, our experience of climate change. EARTHflows is an ongoing project based on locality, reverence for the natural environment, and community collaboration. It includes Earthflow Ritual Performances, Earth Experiments, and Ritual Action Flow Paintings.

As director of the ecological art collective SkySoulStudio, I host a platform exploring solastalgia. We are a developing collective of environmentally aware creatives collaborating on investigations into impermanence and ecofeminism. Public engagement in community events offers the potential for reframing ideologies of contraction. Art can unite people, challenge assumptions, and inspire us to envision new possibilities.

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